“His priority did not seem to be to teach them what he knew, but rather
to impress upon them that nothing, not even knowledge, was foolproof.”
Rowling – “Harry Potter & The Order Of The Phoenix"
It doesn’t take a boy wizard, or the rules of magic, to understand modern
telecommunications although, sometimes, it sure feels like it might. For
an industry that’s generally resistant to change it’s amazing to see the
evolution of telco and how it literally now shapes the day to day operations of
businesses across the globe. Companies want to enhance their telco
infrastructures, and migrate to cloud based services, but most don’t know
how. What are the best practices and how can those steps be properly
quantified? Decision makers should look directly to the telco carriers
for these answers. Unfortunately, research surveys consistently show that
business and non-business decision makers don’t trust the telco carriers to
give them honest answers or the best prices. That same group doesn’t view
the carriers as thought leaders in their own industry either! There’s a
knowledge gap and it grows wider every day.
I started Cywest Communications to fill that gap and I’ve been doing it
successfully for our clients for more than twenty years. What I’m going
to do here on this blog is share some of that experience with a broader
audience. Hopefully, I help you become better educated in this area, and
lift up the curtain on some of the industry secrets that are often used to make
customers enter deals that are against their best interest.
So, why should you listen to me – an older guy with a wife, three kids and a dog that has difficulty going to the bathroom? Hopefully it’s because you’ll find these posts to be both informative and mildly entertaining, but also because I’m going to tell you the honest truth even when it's against my own self interest, just like I did about my dog. There’s a lot of power in the word “truth” and it’s in rare supply given today’s fast paced world of bite-size information delivery.
Truth has a way of coming to the surface despite efforts of repression or
marketing. The truth about telco, about cloud computing, connectivity and
security are subjects I’m truly passionate about and look forward to sharing
with you. Talk to you soon.